Documents to be submitted with the application
The competition application form must be a accompanied by the following documents:
a) A copy of their national identity document, passport or ID card.
b) A copy of their doctoral degree.If the candidate’s degree was not awarded by a Spanish university, it must have been homologated to an official Spanish degree or have been certified to be equivalent to the doctoral level by the University before the signing of the contract.
d) A document specifying the candidate’s 5 most valuable academic contributions (articles, books, patents, etc.).
e) A brief description of the candidate’s teaching career (maximum 1 page).
f) A concise statement of the candidate’s teaching and research interests, in line with the scope of the contract offered for the next 5 years. The document must be no longer than 6 pages.
g) Candidates must state in their application whether they are opting for the preferential merit of assistant professor certification and attach a copy of the favourable report by the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU) or the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation for accessing the category of assistant professor.
h) If the preferential merit of internationalization is chosen, this must be indicated on the application form. The internationalization of the candidates is considered fulfilled if academic activity in a foreign (non-Spanish) institution is accredited during the doctoral training or during the doctoral stage for a minimum of one year (academic stays of two months or more can be counted). It is also considered fulfilled if the doctoral thesis has been carried out in a foreign (non-Spanish) university.
Standard forms for points c),d), e), f) and h) should at least be in English. We advise adding first name and surnames to the files.